Luke from Zeiss stopped by for this quick overview of the Zeiss range of lenses for video and stills including the new Zeiss LWZ.3 21-100mm, Batis, & Otus. In addition, Luke also brought with him the Zeiss Exolens style lenses for iPhone 6 and 6s. As demonstrated in the video above, Zeiss do offer a wide range of top-end quality lenses for various applications be it professional video including high resolutions such as 6K on the RED Dragon cameras, or Sony A7sII/A7rII in the world of video and stills photography. The Batis lenses for example are designed specifically for the E-mount mirrorless cameras in the Alpha 7 range by Sony, however they can be used also on the Sony FS5 and FS7 or any E-mount camera. They offer full-frame coverage and are an excellent choice for videographers using Sony E mount cameras, who also dabble in photography. ZEISS 300 200 For those looking for more manual control over iris - there's the Loxia lenses from Zeiss, which are also a good fit for those using their A7sII or Sony FS5 cameras in gimbal stabilisers such as the DJI Ronin. Zeiss even have three bespoke lenses for the iPhone 6 and 6s. The Ziess Exolens offers a macro, portrait and wide angle options. Check them out in the video below. Luke also brought with him the brand new Zeiss 21-100mm Lightweight Zoom straight from the IBC show floor. The new cine zoom weighs just 2 kgs and is perfect for run-n-gun docu and drama applications with Super 35 cameras such as the Sony FS7, Panasonic Varicam LT or ARRI Amira. Basically any Super 35 camera with either EF, E, MFT, PL or Nikon mount can take advantage of this lens due to its Interchangeable lens mount design - which is a great feature that literally saves you buying lenses in different mounts. FS7 LWZ3 And the new Zeiss LWZ.3 is very affordable for its class - at around £7K + VAT, it is priced very aggressively considering what other lenses in this range and class cost (usually £15K +). We're currently taking pre-orders for the Zeiss 21-100mm LWZ.3 and have been told deliveries are scheduled to commence in early 2017. We expect a huge demand for this lens and limited availability at first, so best to get your pre-order in today to avoid long waiting times. Click the link here to chose your Zeiss LWZ.3 lens or call our Zeiss specialists at 0208 977 1222.