Fujinon Premista series

  1. Pre NAB product launches from Canon, FUJINON & Atomos

    pre-nab product launches from canon, fujinon and atomos

    With NAB getting closer the new product releases are coming in thick and fast so this blog covers Canon, FUJINON, and Atomos. More dedicated blogs on individual manufacturers and products will be released later. Pre NAB Canon has just announced 5…that’s right 5 new camcorders.

  2. Canon Sumire, Litepanels Gemini 1x1, AtomX SDI, Anton Bauer Titon and more

    news of the week i42-e123 nab special

    Welcome to the latest issue of our weekly roundup of news from the TV and film industry. NAB 2019 is just around the corner and since the Alexa Mini LF announcement last week new product announcements have been coming in fast from various manufacturers.

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