Convergent Design have been manufacturing external recorders for some time and are known for their durability and extensive features giving digital cinematographers and camera professionals the requisite tools to get the maximum image quality of their cameras.

The Odyssey family of monitor/recorders have revolutionised the industry and their Odyssey7Q and more recently the 7Q+ successor have become an integral part of the modern cinematographer kit. Offering an incredible amount of professional monitoring features from focus assist, RGB histograms, Waveforms, false colour, frame guides and loads more, the Odyssey7Q/+ can turn cameras like the Sony FS700/FS7 into 2K/4K Raw machines with blazing frame rates ranging up to 240fps in 2K raw. Additional raw licenses for ARRIRAW, Canon C500, and POV Raw for IO Industries and Indiecam are available to purchase from Convergent Design directly.

Recently, the US based company announced their plans to continue to update their Odyssey family of products with future firmware updates starting later this month in lieu of announcing any new products at this years NAB in April in Las Vegas. They have been updating their lineup for a while in line with their commitment to continuously improve their recorders and pack them with even more features and recording options.

Read more below from Convergent Design:

"2014 was a record-setting year for Convergent Design. The Odyssey7Q began shipping in October of 2013 and quickly became the monitor/recorder of choice throughout the industry. In mid 2014 the lower-cost Odyssey7 began shipping, immediately establishing itself as the premier HD video monitor/recorder. At the close of 2014, the Odyssey7Q+ debuted, setting a new benchmark as the “go-to” 4K monitor/recorder.

The growth and success of the Odyssey Family of Products is reflected throughout Convergent Design. The company doubled its staff, moved to a new purpose-built facility that is greater than twice the size of its previous space, and increased revenues more than fourfold over the previous year.

And we are not ones to rest on our laurels. In 2014 the Odyssey product line enjoyed six firmware updates. Convergent Design plans to continue improving and expanding our products through free firmware updates with the same aggressive pace and the same high level of performance, and to offer surprise features that outpace and leapfrog anything in the industry. Convergent Design will not be surprising the industry with unexpected new products at NAB this year. Instead we are dedicated to the continuing development of the Odyssey product line as the most full-featured, most versatile, most powerful and most reliable monitor/recorders in the world.

Below is out forecast for firmware updates for the next few months. The features listed are only a taste of what will be in each update. We expect to offer a variety of new features and improvements on current ones. And we plan to surprise you with functions unlike anything being offered by anyone else. The March Firmware Update is ready to launch and awaits certification for the new recording formats. And there are several surprises in this firmware release.

Please note that the Odyssey firmware updates apply to the Odyssey7, Odyssey7Q, and Odyssey7Q+ as appropriate to the capacities of each device. It is the expressed intent of Convergent Design to support our products and clients long term.


March Firmware Update
Additional compressed video recording formats
Improved image processing for both FS7 & FS700 (FS RAW Record Option)


April Firmware Update
Programmable custom 3D-LUTs with LUT routing to tools & outputs
Improved monitoring functions and tools


May Firmware Update
Additional monitoring/recording features
High frame rate compressed recording for FS7 & FS700 (FS RAW Record Option)
New Record Option


June Firmware Update
Additional compressed video recording formats
New Record Option


To get your Odyssey7Q+ with 2 x FREE 256GB SSD drives head over to our website here or give us a ring at 0208 977 1222.