Convergent Design announced they are expanding Raw support for new cameras such as the Panasonic Varicam LT and the newly announced Sony FS5 raw as well as the I/O Industries Flare 4K-SDI cameras. The support for these raw options will be included in their Raw Bundle for the Odyssey7Q+ as free updates.
As a reminder, Convergent Design are doing some amazing deals right now around NAB 2016 and until the end of April, users can save $200 and purchase the Odyssey RAW Bundle for $795 directly from
Convergent Design's website here.

In addition until the end of April, the
Odyssey7Q+ raw recorder is currently
on sale for £1400 + VAT and it also comes included with a free 256GB SSD.
The Sony FS5 does require a paid license from Sony in order to output a Raw signal via the 3G-SDI output, which is estimated to cost around 500 Euros/400 GBP and should be available to purchase in May.
RAW data formats that will be supported on the Odyssey7Q+ include
- Cinema 4K (4096x2160) up to 60p
- DCI 4K bursts up to 120p - 4 second burst, which gives 20 seconds real-time
- 2K (2048x1080) up to 240p Super-Slow motion
These frame rate and resolution combinations will all be supported by the Odyssey RAW Bundle, allowing recording in CinemaDNG or Apple ProRes (HQ/422/LT).
Users will also be able to get DCI 4K and DCI 2K signals converted to UHD and HD on the fly within the Odyssey7Q+ upon recording in Apple ProRes HQ/422 or LT.
In addition, Convergent Design’s proprietary
Super-Sampling of the DCI 4K signal to either 2K or HD in Apple ProRes will yield a higher quality image than is available directly from the camera. Note that when not utilizing RAW the FS5 is limited to UHD in 8-bit up to 30p and HD in 10-bit up to 60p.
The Odyssey LUT System supports both Sony S-Log2 and S-Log3 output from the camera, including several Exposure Compensation LUTs.
The Panasonic VariCam LT will also add RAW data output soon via a firmware update. Supported Raw formats on the Odyssey7Q+ include:
- DCI 4K RAW data up to 60p
The Odyssey RAW Bundle will allow full recording of all frame rates and resolutions available from the VariCam LT. The Odyssey LUT System includes LUTs for the V-Log signal available from the camera.
Support for the IO Industries Flare 4K-SDI camera will come in the next firmware update.
The Odyssey RAW Bundle will provide CinemaDNG recording of 4K RAW up to 60p. RAW recording on the Flare 4K-SDI expands its dynamic range by two full stops.
To get your
Odyssey7Q+ Raw recorder simply head over to our website here. For any questions, get in touch with us on
0208 977 1222.