The ARRI Look Library is a collective of predefined creative colour gradings that can be installed in ARRI cameras equipped with advanced look management. Providing a repertoire of 87 high quality looks in three intensities, the library allocates each of them a unique number and groups them into themes such as film emulations, historical periods, seasons, and more. Arri Look LibraryThe ARRI look library is available from the Software Update Package (SUP) 5.0 for ALEXA Mini and Amira cameras. Numbered within nine theme groups: application, black-and-white, contrast, environment, film, period, season, special, and tinted. Each look provides a unique but repeatable aesthetic when combined with the cinematographer’s choice of lens.
According to ARRI, Creative collaborations will be made easier - whether over large distances or between different units on the same production - and time savings facilitated in post production, since scene-specific or even shot-specific looks can be implemented long before the final grade.
Developed by ARRI Media, additional looks inspired by customer feedback are likely to be added to the library in the future.
ARRI Look Library
ARRI Look Library Highlights:
• 87 high quality looks in 3 intensities
• Available in Rec709 - other colour spaces through ARRI Media
• Numbering scheme to identify looks
• Common themes including film emulations,
• Licensed feature
• Included in AMIRA Premium set
• AMIRA Multicam compatibility
Users have the option to tweak looks using iPad-based tools such as Pomfort LiveGrade Air, thanks to the Camera Access Protocol feature of ALEXA SXT and - from SUP 5.0 - AMIRA and ALEXA Mini.
ARRI Media has also created an accompanying free iPhone app that provides an overview of the library, giving users an easy way to explore possible looks remotely.
You can fully explore the ARRI Look Library by visiting the ARRI website